The germans announced the price list for the new audi q5

Немцы объявили прайс-лист на новый audi Q5 Новопоколенный кроссовер audi Q5, intended for a European buyer, it is no longer a secret how empty the pocket of a motorist who wants to buy it will be: the manufacturer announced price tags for all crossover configurations. This is already the second generation of Audi's “five”, and the all-traveler made an official presentation during the Paris World Auto Show, which took place at the end of September last year. Less than four months, as European dealers got the right to sell this crossover, produced, by the way, at one of the Mexican auto companies Audi. Немцы объявили прайс-лист на новый audi Q5 In the German car market, the new generation SUV will receive at least four motor-transmission combinations. The first combination is a two-liter TFSI for 252 “horses”, equipped with S-tronic and all-wheel drive quattro. The second combination is a 1.5-liter turbo-diesel with a working volume of two liters, paired with a six-speed manual gearbox. The third one is a two-liter turbo diesel, but for 163 horses, with the S-tronic and quattro system. And the fourth “pair” is a 190-horsepower two-liter TDI with quattro and a S-tronic box. Complete sets for the new generation Audi Q5 crossover will be only three. It's about just the Q5, the sports Q5, and the “beautiful” Q5 design. Немцы объявили прайс-лист на новый audi Q5 Basic equipment will cost the German, who wished to buy this miracle, at 39.5 thousand euros, which in our money is at the rate of the Central Bank about two and a half million rubles. This assembly is front-wheel drive, with a 1.5-hour diesel and a manual transmission. The wild price is, of course, for such a filling, but, as manufacturers say, this version is the most economical one, which is very much to greedy burghers: in the combined mode, the crossover eats four and a half liters of diesel per hundred kilometers. Немцы объявили прайс-лист на новый audi Q5 Новопоколенный audi Q5 уже стали продавать и на авторынках Англии, Ирландии и Шотландии. Отличия от немецких версий следующие: "британец" имеет в качестве трансмиссии только семискоростной автомат S-tronic, он только полноприводной, под капотом только самые мощные двигатели из моторной линейки - 190 и 252-сильные двухлитровые турбодизеля.

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Versions of the new generation of crossover audi Q5 для британцев тоже три, только именуются они несколько иначе, нежели немецкие: Q5SE, Q5Sport, Q5S-line. Базовая для британцского рынка - версия Q5SE со 190-сильным турбодизелем. Стоит она чуть более 37 тысяч фунтов, что в переводе на наши составит около 2 млн 700 тыс рублей. Максимальный audi Q5 S-line с 252-сильным двухлитровым TFSI уже стоит более 41 тысячи фунтов, это примерно три миллиона нашими. Немцы объявили прайс-лист на новый audi Q5 At the last Detroit Motor Show, the Germans presented a sports modification of this cross. This model - Audi SQ5 will come to our car dealers soon.