The new generation kia rio will appear in russia until

Новопоколенный Kia Rio появится в России до ближайшего сентября The car of this brand is the main bestseller in the Russian car market, and many waited with great impatience for news about the new generation of the model. However, Kia was not in a hurry to announce when the new generation car would finally be in our dealership car dealerships, but yesterday, all the Korean company managers said confidently: wait until September. Today's generation Kia Rio is in the top consumer demand. According to the results of the May sales, the model again confidently remained in the first place among passenger cars bought by Russians. Moreover, sales rose.

В этом смысле появление новопоколенного седана может не произвести фурора в покупательской активности. В этом мы убедились, когда к нам на рынок приехал новопоколенный Солярис, значительно подорожавший после модернизации. Старое поколение разбирают, а на новое только любуются. Такая же картинка маслом может получиться и с моделями новой генерации Kia Rio.

In China, for example, both the old car generation and the new one are produced in parallel, controlling the demand for them. After all, why get rid of the car, which is taken, replacing it with another machine, which will take, or not, is still unknown? Very wise practice, right in Solomon. But this will not work here, because the Hyundai automobile plant in St. Petersburg, where the Korean models are stamped locally, is not enough.

Meanwhile, the assembly newcomer Rio in our country has already begun. Otherwise, the managers would be silent about the start of sales in September. Новопоколенный Kia Rio появится в России до ближайшего сентября Externally, the Russian version new Kia Rio very similar to the Chinese version, the front end just looks more like the American version of the car.

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The technical part has not yet been announced. But no one doubts that the power units will be the same as that of the new Hyundai Solaris platform platform.

Russian dealers of Kia had hot days. People are actively buying Kia Rio previous generation. And this is not at all surprising. Definitely a new-generation Korean will cost much more than its predecessor. But whether he will be better - even grandmother said in two.

On the April Shanghai Motor Show, the new generation Kia Rio presented in the modification of cross hatchback. For Russians, this version would probably be more interesting. It also debuted the budget "chetyrehdverka" Kia Pegas, assembled on the "cart" of the old Kia Rio. Pegasus is much more affordable, although it will look very modern in appearance. Recently, the Celestial Empire presented a sedan Hyundai Reina - Pegasus sibling. These cars are extremely interested in the Russian car enthusiast, however, they will appear with us not soon.