Uaz production cars went up again

Автомобили производства УАЗа опять подорожали

For the fourth time in 2015, prices for cars manufactured by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant are changing. As they say in the leadership of auto enterprises, they are forced to raise the price, as the ruble continues to devalue. UAZ is guided by the recommendations of the Sollers group, and it recommended that the price be increased by three to eight percent from the beginning of September. The range of five percent depends on the specific model and its configuration. After the increase, the most affordable car of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant will barely empty the buyer's pocket by 440 thousand rubles.

As top managers of UAZ say, they follow the path of the so-called “silk” promotions, that is, in fact, it would cost a lot more to raise the price of cars, and they put this price into perspective, but until they reach its level slowly, in small doses. First, working almost at a loss to his beloved. With such a soft approach to pricing, they are going to sell fifty thousand UAZ vehicles by the end of the year, that is, everything they planned to produce.

Top managers, moreover, are strongly confident that, by the quality level, the cars of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant have already gone far away from those Chinese competitors with whom they “butted” on the car market a year and a half ago. Accordingly, since the quality has increased, prices should not remain at the same level, that is, they, without devaluation, were aimed at unequivocal growth.

So how much is a UAZ car today? With the increase buy UAZ Hunter can be in the price range from 549 to 600 kilorubles, "Patriots" are sold from seven hundred and thirty thousand to a million rubles. UAZ Pickup is symmetrically more expensive than the Patriot by about fifty thousand. Cheapest UAZ today it is model 3303, for its basic equipment they ask for 440 kilorubles. UAZ 29891 - starts from 575,000, UAZ 2206 starts from 590 kilo rubles, and the basic “Farmer” can be bought for a little more than six hundred thousand rubles.

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According to statistics, car sales UAZ с января по июль текущего года поднялись на восемь процентов. Всего продали за это время 24 300 машин. Из них на Patriot приходится около десяти тысяч. Soже руководство подтвердило планы на глубокий рестайлинг "буханки". Начнут его со следующего года. Автомобиль в обновленном состоянии будет иметь новую приборную панель, один бензобак, неплохую шумовую и вибрационную изоляцию. В последнее почему-то верится с трудом. Ведь вибрация "буханок" за столько лет производства, скорее уже стала колоритом, фишкой модели, чем недостатком. Если тебя не колбасит в кабине этого автомобиля и ты не глохнешь от шума движка, это уже не "буханка"...)))