How to choose seat covers in the car

Motorists often seek to preserve the original appearance of their vehicle. For this, “native” upholstery is covered with decorative capes or practical covers for car seats are used for this purpose. Such an operation has many advantages, including ease of attachment, as well as a wide selection of prices.

The cost of replacement work, including the price of the material, is selected individually. It may vary depending on the brand of the car and the seats installed in it, the quality of the material used and the styles of the products.


  • 1 Criteria for the selection of car covers
  • 2 Preferences in material and texture
  • 3 Standards for cutting covers
  • 4 Car covers care

Criteria for the selection of car covers

The choice of this element of the cabin is based on the operating conditions of the machine. Selecting seat covers in the car, you must consider the following features:

  • form of chairs;
  • practicality, strength and durability of the material;
  • combination of texture and colors with the rest of the interior elements;
  • hygienic properties;
  • the possibility of using chemical cleaning agents.
how much are car seat covers

Universal car seat covers

When buying or ordering such an accessory for a car, one should not forget about the passengers who most often travel in it. If there are small children, then there may be a regular need to clean the car from food, gum, ice cream, etc. Practicality in this situation comes to the fore. Also, for frequent transport of pets may need additional bedding on the chair.

Drawing in this case would be appropriate not monophonic, but with small colorful details that will help to hide small possible flaws.

In addition to the practical side, you will need to consider aesthetics. It is unlikely that colored paint will be appropriate for a dark, strict business class car. Also, dull gray colors look inconspicuous in a bright female small car.

Preferences in material and texture

The answer to the question of how much car seat covers cost depends also on the material from which they are made. There are instances from 1000 to 10,000 rubles. However, the upper price limit is almost unlimited.

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This area is widely used velours, состоящий из полиэстера, хлопка и спандекса. Доступный по цене материал имеет мягкую ворсистую поверхность. Она не дает соскальзывать с кресла пассажиру или водителю, одетому в любую одежду. С veloursом комфортно в теплое и холодное время года. Эта ткань достаточно практичная и легко обслуживаемая, уместна будет в виде бесшовных авточехлов. Отрицательной стороной материала служит слабая жесткость, через несколько лет заметны провисания, а также требует частой очистки для поддержания в хорошем состоянии.

what are the car seat covers

Fur Covers

The second most popular is alcantara. Он дороже, но лишен большинства недостатков veloursа. Фактура схожа с натуральной замшей. В основу входит также полиэстер или нейлон с микроволокнами. Хорошо переносит различные чистки, долго держит форму и устойчив к воздействию ультрафиолета, поэтому слабо подвержен к выгоранию на солнце.

The most expensive case is leather. High-quality cut ensures a tight fit to the frame. A large selection of colors ensures an accurate selection for a specific car brand. As a budget analogue, a synthetic substitute based on natural leather, cotton and polyester is used.

In addition to the listed materials are used practical host (a mixture of cotton and polyester), vinyl (smooth synthetic polymer fabric, resistant to dirt) and exotic fur materials как на искусственной основе, так и на натуральной. Fur Covers помогают согреться водителям зимой, но более требовательны в уходе и очистке, чем, например, кожаные или алькантаровые.

Standards for cutting covers

The shape of the seats in cars is varied, from variants of classic VAZ models without head restraints to ergonomic sports seats with various types of supports. However, there is some standardization on car brands. It is especially noticeable in the later auto large automakers. In this case, you can easily find a budget option. universal car covers.

Most specialty stores have a wide selection of such products with different colors and textures of inexpensive fabrics. The positive properties, apart from the price, are simple maintenance, quick installation and a wide selection. Negative features are not always tight fit, rapid wear and stretching of the fabric. But at any time, the old can be replaced with a new set of exactly the same covers.

how to choose seat covers in the car

Model covers

The best option are model covers. They are made for a specific model of car seats and take into account the features of frame shapes, bends and the presence of side airbags. Appearance in model specimens does not contain "bagginess", as often happens with universal cases. Most products contain the logo of the car brand in which they are installed. There are no possible problems with fastening, which sometimes occur when installing universal products.

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Expensive but the highest quality is individual cut and sewing covers. In this case, the car owner independently selects materials, design, colors based on personal preferences and a set amount. Measurements with this option are taken individually, taking into account all the features of the base.

On such covers often put various inscriptions, monograms or patterns, trying to emphasize the individuality of the image of your own car. Travelers prefer to equip such covers with a large number of additional pockets.

how to pick up seat covers in the car

On leather cases, as customization, stylish custom embossing is applied with the selected pattern or logo. For tailoring, you can choose the best auto studio in the region or make it according to your own patterns at home. The result will be unique anyway.

Car covers care

Standard tools for cleaning car covers are car vacuum cleaner and wet wipes. Home care products for carpets are not recommended. You can use chemicals with antistatic effect. Not all fabrics are suitable for washing in household washing machines. Therefore, when buying such products, it is advisable to ask about the options of washing or other fabric care so that it does not lose color and shape.