Restoration of leather car interior

Upholstery leather stresses the dignity of any car. Drivers who love their cars tend to take care of such upholstery, because in a cozy interior, some car owners are sometimes forced to spend several hours a day.

If for some reason damage has appeared on the surface, then you can repair the leather seats of the car with your own hands, without resorting to expensive specialists. Minor damage is easy to repair in a couple of hours, without the need to visit the studio and drag all the chairs.


  • 1 Preparation for repair
  • 2 Repair work
  • 3 Formation of a leather patch
  • 4 Making the Patch Realistic
  • 5 Conclusion

Preparation for repair

With large defects, which sometimes stretch to several tens of square centimeters, at home, a beginner is unlikely to cope. Such situations will be resolved by professionals. But to patch the hole burned with cigarette ash or to close a small teaser left by a metal lock, it is quite capable of even an inexperienced but tidy car owner.

what you need to do to repair the leather car interior

For repair work you will need a small set, which is sold in almost every auto shop. Without it, restoring the leather interior of a car can be problematic. The kit consists of materials and tools.


  1. spatula (you can use dental);
  2. square sandpaper (preferably to take "zero") 100x100 mm;
  3. iron (preferably with a ceramic or teflon sole);
  4. autonomous airbrush (nozzle should be with a minimum hole for spraying);
  5. construction knife (sharply sharpened with sufficient blade overhang);
  6. tweezers (capture area is small).


  1. "Liquid skin" (special personnel sell in auto shops);
  2. construction mesh for reinforcement (select the minimum cell);
  3. thermal powder (the material should "be taken" at low temperatures);
  4. Teflon hardening gasket (if the sole of the iron is metallic).

The cost of these materials and tools will be much cheaper than repairing the leather interior of a car at an auto attendant.

Repair work

The car owner, conducting the restoration of his cabin, independently determines the need to dismantle the seat from the cabin. More often it is done for more comfortable work with damage.

how to repair the leather seats of the car do it yourself

The edges of the damaged hole can be trimmed with a construction knife. This is important to do if there is material melted from a cigarette around the perimeter of the hole or the edge is visibly worn. At the same time, the hole will slightly increase, but it will acquire clear features allowing to fix the future patchwork more reliably. Using tweezers, we get rid of possible burrs on the material, otherwise they will protrude above the patch.

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With the help of fine sandpaper, if necessary, remove the identified small flaws on the surface. From the reinforced mesh, cut out a patch of the required shape that covers an area of ​​10-15 mm per hole.

This patch is inserted into the hole and placed it evenly between the upholstery and the chair. To do this, use tweezers and a small spatula. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the material.

You need to know that the mesh should be distributed without folds.

Now the work area can be degreased with a weak solvent that does not damage the upholstery. Fatty finger marks can prevent good patches of the patch.

Formation of a leather patch

After degreasing with a small spatula, the thermal powder is placed on the distributed mesh. Its remains are swept away from the surface of the skin outside the latka. For the next operation, use the iron and Teflon gasket. The last is laid on the restored area.

how to repair the leather seats of the car do it yourself
Step 1. Define the work zone
how to start repairing the leather seats of the car with your own hands
Step 2. Degrease the surface
how to restore the leather interior of the car
Step 3. Cooking material
how does the restoration of the leather interior of the car begin
Step 4. We form a patch
how much is the restoration of the leather car interior
Step 5. We select the paint
how to repair the leather car interior
Step 6. We process the airbrush

Heating the iron should be such that it does not burn the skin when it is open in contact with it. Sometimes 120 is enoughWith for such work. For about 15 seconds we drive on the surface with an iron to fasten the thermal materials.

After processing, a cooler can be distributed over the patch, for example, briquettes from a thermal bag or any other frozen materials. Directly use the ice can not, moisture in this case will harm. You can protect the patch with a layer of oilcloth. A quick and sharp cooling will give maximum naturalness and sufficient elasticity.

Teflon lining can be removed, because the layer on the grid has become homogeneous and fixed with its fittings. You can re-get rid of the new burr.

The next layer is formed using gel-like "liquid skin". The mass is evenly distributed over the repaired surface. It is convenient to do this with a small spatula. For a better result, several thin layers can be applied. Thus we will increase the fortress of the future patches.

See also: How to wear car seat covers

how to start the repair of the leather car interior

The fixation of the material is also carried out with the help of an iron. To do this, we put a Teflon lining between its sole to be processed surface. The process of solidification also lasts quite quickly. Then also sharply cooled with the help of refrigerants.

Making the patch realistic

To ensure that the treated place does not stand out from the rest of the plots, it is necessary to give it a natural texture, like that of the surrounding material. To do this, we form a matrix of a two-component composition and apply it on a clean area with an area larger than the patch. Then carefully remove the matrix from the surface and apply a thin layer of “liquid skin” on the patch. Before solidification, we apply a matrix with a fingerprint to the patch.

After removing the stamp, reapply the teflon lining and heat it with an iron again. A pattern formed in this way should hide the place of processing. Cool the surface and prepare the airbrush.

We fill the spray can with a specially selected color for the skin. Apply spraying around the treatment area. To do this better in daylight, so shades and possible inconsistencies will be better seen. But you need to know that a dry paint is different from a dry one, so it is better to experiment with color in the far places of the cabin. After that, give dry paint and return the chair to the salon.


For repairs with leather chairs you need a little bit of material and a small set of simple tools. Anyone can do this job with a little patience. It is better to train first at remote points, after which you can start repairing areas that are visible.