What company battery is better for auto

Novice motorists seek to pick up the battery with all the maximum characteristics. However, this approach does not always give the correct result, because what kind of battery (battery) is better for a car depends on various parameters that are not related to each other, including operating temperature conditions. As it is known in our country there can be drops in the summer up to +30C, and winter minimum in some regions -30C is considered almost the norm.

When choosing a battery in such conditions, you will need to give up in some parameter request in order to win in another characteristic. In addition to external factors, it will be necessary to conduct a selection, guided by the recommendations of automakers, since the uninterrupted operation of the remaining elements of the electrical system depends on the output characteristics of the battery.


  • 1 Proper battery selection
  • 2 Battery design features
  • 3 Service and replacement battery
  • 4 Battery rating
    • 4.1 VARTA Blue Dynamic
    • 4.2 Optima Red Top
    • 4.3 "The beast"

Proper battery selection

There are several axioms that need to be guided when choosing a battery, because proper operation and maintenance will help to use the maximum battery life.

You need to know that the car battery is designed for regular use.

which battery is better for a car

Brand modern batteries

Battery troubles occur during long downtimes and during prolonged use at low temperatures, for example, less than -20C. Looking to what kind of battery to buy, it’s worth considering the important points:

  • operation mode (mostly urban traffic jams or a country highway);
  • climatic region (conditions of Murmansk or Krasnodar);
  • place of purchase (car market without warranty or specialty store with the provision of quality certificates);
  • auto load (self-driving to work or constantly loaded taxi with luggage);
  • real output parameters (compliance of the declared characteristics with the current).

If a car has a lot of heavy tuned dodgers, then it will be necessary to add a few percent of battery power to the additional load to the automaker’s design data.

Battery design features

External and operational factors when choosing a battery is not enough. In a dispute which battery is better for winter, many drivers highlight the design features of the battery. Most residents of cold regions tend to choose serviced devices. In this way, they are trying to independently more accurately set the parameters of the battery. It also extends the life of the appliance.

which battery is better for a car in winter

Battery replacement

With all the positive aspects of the operation of the serviced battery, there are also inconveniences. They consist in the regular monitoring of most parameters. It is required to monitor the level of liquid in tanks, charge, electrolyte density, etc. Not all car owners are willing to devote time to such maintenance. Therefore, most drivers choose an unattended design.

The oldest types of battery design are lead plate containers. Their price is low, but the service life rarely exceeds 1-2 years. The latest serial developments in this area are helium batteries. The market can meet for them a warranty from manufacturers up to 5 years. In reality, they last longer.

The characteristics that are worth paying attention to when choosing a car include:

  • cold start inrush current, measured in amperes (A);
  • total battery capacity (Ah), set by the manufacturer under the specified conditions (+27WITH);
  • reserve capacity (min), the ability to continuously issue the specified parameters.

You should not choose by a single criterion, because other parameters can suffer from this. Also, it will be wrong to make a selection solely for the price. Often the characteristics of medium-sized devices are not much inferior to very expensive ones, but the gap in cost can go up to several times.

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Too cheap batteries should cause reasonable distrust. For such goods hide a clear marriage or a rude fake. In this case, the waste of money will be wasted. Own objective rating can be made only on the basis of the gained operating experience or close people you trust.

Service and replacement battery

For modern batteries is considered normal life of about 4 years. Residents of megacities often develop a resource of their batteries in traffic jams, and retirees or citizens of small settlements reduce the resource by rarely using cars.

which battery is better for a car in the cold

Battery sizes

For long-term storage of batteries, the preferred temperature will be around 0.C. At the same time it is necessary to fully charge it. In such conditions, the self-discharge is reduced, and the risk of a shell rupture after full discharge decreases.

Serviced batteries require regular checking of electrolyte level and density.

During winter use it must be recharged more often. It is also required to charge up to the maximum level if a more powerful battery is on the car, and it does not have time to pick up capacity when traveling. This is especially important for short journeys. Otherwise, the unit will quickly fail.

To prepare for the winter serviced batteries, it will be necessary to change the electrolyte density. Under normal conditions at +20C parameter is 1.27 g / ml. Each drop of 10 degrees should be accompanied by an increase in density of 0.007 g / ml. When the temperature rises, the same proportion is taken for a decrease in density.

Battery rating

In addition to the selection of the manufacturer of the battery, you need to know that the products of one brand can be manufactured in factories in different countries. In some companies, the products may differ in countries of origin; this parameter should also be taken into account. Since in our country the most pressing automotive issue is the use of technology in the winter, we consider acceptable batteries for this particular period.

VARTA Blue Dynamic

In many independent tests participated battery VARTA Blue Dynamic. Although it uses the traditional technology with liquid electrolyte, it does not prevent to show high-class performance even at -50C. Most experts and ordinary drivers in various ratings give primacy to this brand.

what battery to buy for winter

Although unusual results with poorly working electrical systems in cars from any battery should not be expected, but in severe frost around -40With the brand will show the expected performance from him. The design feature of such a battery is the corporate structure of the case.

The EFB technology used in VARTA allows batteries to last without special problems for up to 5 years. For operation in low-temperature conditions, the E43 model with a starting current of 680 A and a capacity of 72 Ah is suitable. This allows you to use the battery on cars with stop-start systems. The average price for it is about 5,000 rubles. There are more expensive items up to 8,000 rubles. Although the cost is not the budget, but it will pay off a long trouble-free operation.

Optima Red Top

If you focus on the choice of overseas rescue services or ambulance, then you need to choose for your car battery Optima Red Top. Especially since their company is a pioneer in the production of maintenance-free batteries with AGM technology.

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The proposed batteries of this brand stand out among competitors extraordinary form of containers. This version of the rescue helps when driving on a rough road and protects against excessive vibration and shock.

what battery to buy for a car

Manufacturers recommend such batteries to be used during irregular use of the car. Modern Optima can show its high performance even after several months of inactivity. The brand can boast of high-quality work for 6-8 years. Individual copies exceeded even such a rather big resource.

The characteristics of most of the batteries of this brand indicate the starting current of more than 800 A, with such data, no frost is terrible. Although the capacity at the same time declared relatively small, about 50 Ah, but according to the manufacturer, it is compensated by other characteristics, for example, by issuing 500 A even after a ten-second rotation of the starter due to the battery. However, such characteristics will have to be paid at a fairly high cost, on average, from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

"The beast"

Стоит уделить внимание отечественному бренду иркутской компании "The beast". Эта российская разработка на базе советского предприятия признана в качестве высококлассного продукта наравне с зарубежными АКБ. Долговечность этим батареям обеспечивают защищенные оксидом кремния электроды, а также наличие кальция в конструкции пластин.

The high starting current and capacitance allows you to use this design in cars of various types. At the same time, the manufacturer issues a three-year warranty on its products, although in reality batteries pass over this period two to three times.

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The special composition of the material of the electrodes eliminates the battery from corrosion deposits on the plates. Due to this, no precipitate is formed, reducing all output parameters of the product. The form of the gratings provides the products with a capacity of 66 Ah with inrush current of 640 A. This battery lasts up to 15 s, which is an excellent indicator for winter batteries.

В качестве бонуса на крышке, имеющей лабиринтообразную конструкцию для снижения испарений электролита, установлен глазок заряда. Корпус батареи имеет дополнительную защиту от низких температур. Достойные экземпляры АКБ с маркой "The beast" можно обнаружить на прилавках начиная от 3000 рублей. Достойное соотношение по цене и качеству начинается со стоимости от 5 тыс. рублей.


The real economy option is the product brand TYUMEN PREMIUM. In the budget class, there is hardly a worthy competitor in terms of stability of work, the ratio of starting current to capacity. One of the Tyumen battery models produces 540 A of current at 64 Ah capacity. For the northern regions, this is a powerful argument for buying such a battery.

which battery is best for the car

These products are particularly relevant in commercial vehicles with small volumes of the power plant. Even the type of motor in this case is not so important, because the parameters will be enough for both the gasoline engine and the diesel engine. Quality indicator is the resolution of the use of TYUMEN PREMIUM in cars with automatic transmissions that are more demanding on electricity than cars with “mechanics”.

When scrolling starter battery holds current even for 10 s. Not all Asian models will be able to hold out for so long, although their price is often higher than the Tyumen brand. Also, the battery has a low level of self-discharge, which is important during seasonal operation. The owners of commercial vehicles in addition to the cost of 2500-3500 rubles per unit will like the large number of recharge cycles claimed. This is especially true for delivery services or taxis.