What winter tires to buy for cars - choosing tires for cars

What winter tires to buy for cars - Choosing tires for cars

When it comes to winter tires, you need to decide what to buy tires, studded, or the so-called "Velcro", as well as decide on the country manufacturer. We will try to understand everything in order.

What tires are most often bought?

Most often, car owners buy the same tires that they had previously bought. Few people take the issue of choice with all responsibility, i.e. clearly presenting exactly what conditions they will have to drive, also do not think about driving style. Very often, just the wrong choice of rubber causes accidents, especially when it comes to the first ice, and sometimes the danger lingers just on chilled asphalt.

What tires are most often bought?

One of the main and main rules is that all four wheels must be a set, i.e. the same. Or at least on one axis. Even in the case when all the wheels are designed for one season, but they cannot be installed by a different manufacturer, this can upset the balance of braking forces, which will lead to disastrous consequences. This is especially important when it comes to all-wheel drive cars, such a drive as we know, does not add traction in the braking process.

When it comes to which winter tires to choose, it is imperative to remember that the more versatile tires - the worse it will show itself when faced with seasonal road features.

In general, all-season tires are just a marketing ploy, a myth. Such tires behave far from ideal, when faced with strong icy conditions for example. But coming to the problem from the other side, and buying tires for a particular season, and a particular type of road, you can find very decent models.

Winter tires

It should be understood that summer tires provide greater safety and stability in the summer than winter tires in winter, and therefore it is simply impossible in winter to fully maintain the summer style of driving. Moreover, in the winter period, the safe speed is about 20-25% lower than the speed in the summer period. Do not forget about the distance, which in winter should be increased not less than 2 times.

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Summer tires in winter

What is the difference seasonal tires from all-season?

Consider the working temperature ranges for rubber of all seasons.

Summer tires applicable in the temperature range from 0 (+5) to +50. At lower temperatures, the summer tire begins to harden, which in turn significantly degrades the grip quality.

Summer tires

All season tires applicable in the temperature range from -10 to +10. With a strong decrease in temperature, it begins to behave in the same way as summer tires in these conditions, i.e. harden strongly, skidding begins accordingly

All season tires

Winter tires applicable in the temperature range from -40 to +5, when the temperature rises above the norm, the rubber becomes very plastic (soft), begins to wear out intensively, which leads to the fact that winter studded tires lose these spikes.

Winter studded tires

It is also interesting that summer tires, when used in winter, can crack when punctured, and not always after that it is subject to repair (restoration). From the foregoing, it becomes obvious that the use of summer and all-season tires in the winter is not just impossible, but also can be dangerous.

Что конкретно требуется от rubber в зимний период?

In such a difficult and specific season as winter, from rubber The following is required:

  • Good adhesion, both on ice and on frozen pavement;
  • The possibility, if necessary, how to break into compacted snow;
  • Possibility to remove both slush and snow on those sections of the road where reagents are used.

Что конкретно требуется от rubber в зимний период?

What winter tires are on the market

При выборе, нужно понимать то, какая зимняя резина представлена на рынке сейчас. Из нововведений последних лет можно назвать применение ассиметричного рисунка протектора, который способствует улучшению качества сцепления на асфальтированной дороге, а также отлично ведет себя, как на заснеженной дороге, так и в слякоть. Такой эффект обеспечивается за счет разницы рисунков rubber на внешней и внутренней частях покрышки.

If you need a good cross, it is worth considering the option of buying tires with the so-called "Scandinavian" tread pattern. Which is a directional group of V-shaped elements, such rubber has impressive gaps, a height of about ten millimeters and there are spikes. In Russia, this type of tire is quite popular, but of course, like everything, it has its drawbacks. Tires of this type are quite noisy, the fuel consumption when using them increases significantly, and is also not suitable for driving at high speed, since the level of braking efficiency is reduced.

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What winter tires are on the market

The “European” drawing refers to winter velcro - the height of its elements is about 7 mm, directional, it has oblique sharp strokes, just like it is done on special sports tires. Great for a good track, in cool but dry weather. Slush and snow cover make the use of such tires almost impossible.

Традиционные зимние шины – рисунок у таких шин довольно внушительного размера, высота элементов достигает восьми миллиметров, рисунок может быть, как направленным, так и наоборот, зачастую без использования шипов. Эти покрышки довольно неприхотливы, если не впадать в крайности, и ездить аккуратно. Отличаются невысокой ценой, при этом неплохого качества, нельзя утверждать, что это прямо "best winter tires", но она достаточно долговечна.

best winter tires

Первое время после покупки rubber следует ездить осторожно, поскольку на новых шинах остается пленка из заводской смазки, стирается которая только спустя несколько сотен километров езды.

Savings when buying tires for the winter

Осень это время, когда автовладельцы задумываются о смене rubber. Поскольку в наше время всё только лишь дорожает, то купить свежий комплект зимней rubber так, чтобы это не сказалось на состоянии финансов в семье, практически нереально. Но, если подойти к вопросу со всей ответственностью, то и в данной ситуации можно сэкономить. Некоторые для этого идут на покупку поддержанных покрышек.

In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the tread depth of the rubber is at least four millimeters, only then the tire is considered suitable. Also important is the year of manufacture, it is indicated on each tire. Also look at the country of origin.

Savings when buying tires for the winter

Winter tires российского изготовления обычно служат не более шести лет, зарубежные бренды могут служить до десяти лет. Также поинтересуйтесь у предыдущего владельца тем, в каких условиях хранились шины (как известно, при неправильном хранении, резина может твердеть, и как следствие стать полностью непригодной).

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Есть и еще один вариант сэкономить – buy winter tires небольшого размера. Это никак не окажет негативного влияния, и никак не повредит автомобилю. Просто купите зимние колеса радиус которых будет несколько меньше рекомендованного. Более того, их участок контакта с дорогой меньше, а это хорошо сказывается на управлении.

buy winter tires

Buying tires is better on the car market, you can often get a discount there, especially if you buy the last kit left in stock, especially if they are models of past years. After all, in fact, it is only important how well they are made.

In addition, the discount can be found in the store, for example, buying several sets at once, together with relatives or friends who also need tires. Not to mention the fact that allies for the joint purchase of wheels can be found on special forums of motorists. In this case, you can make a purchase with a whole group of people, and this is already a significant discount.

Tire replacement for winter

Take care of changing the rubber in advance, it will save you from unnecessary costs.

After buying winter tires, you can also increase the chances of future savings, if you carefully handle the purchase, in which case the tires will last more than one season, which means you do not need to spend money again. Well, do not forget about the importance of proper storage of the wheels, nor any moisture and sun, and only in an upright position, and then your winter tires will serve you more than one season of cold weather.

Watch the video - how a good winter (studded) tires behaves.