Satanic dead end
В месте под названием «Satanic dead end», что на Южном Урале, пролегает шоссе, а на нем повышенная аварийность. Причем лишь на семикилометровом участке дороги. За сутки улетают в кювет или сталкивается несколько автомашин.
Residents of those places who have cars, specially go around a terrible place, so that it does not happen. For foreigners, it doesn’t matter where they go, their cars are beating, sometimes people are dying. In 2004, a heavy-duty truck overturned, the driver remained alive and reported that there was no reason for the accident. According to him, the car was moving straight, in fact, he drove into the oncoming lane and overturned into a ditch.
Some drivers who found themselves on the stretch of the Satanic impasse seemed to have a cow running onto the road or a pile of rubble. When driving around an imaginary obstacle, the car turns out to be in a ditch.
If you study the ancient legends of the inhabitants of the village of Sart-Abdrashev, it turns out that the highway was laid right along the temple, which in ancient times served as a place of worship for pagan gods, located in a marshy plain. People marked there and the appearance of various evil spirits like devils. With the laying of the highway, trouble began with the drivers and their cars.
In the place of ancient burials, motorways are also laid here and there. And strange accidents happen there during daylight hours and in clear weather. Suddenly, moving cars collide with each other, although drivers operate normally. But this is normal for them, but in fact, a mirage will appear above the asphalt, then a ghost - this instantly strains the chauffeur’s nerves. It can be seen, the souls of the buried bodies warn that it is impossible to ride on the dust.
Back in Soviet times, Nikolay Shchelokov, being the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ordered cartographers to make special atlases, where all places on the USSR roads with increased accident rate were indicated, which was done. Today, with the mass automobilization of the population, there are a lot of cars. Grew and accident rate. And not only on highways with heavy traffic, but also in the outback. For example, in Buryatia, where Shoigu came from, there is the A-164 highway, which goes to Mongolia. On its site near the village of Mondy the road is bordered by mountain ranges, it turns out as if a tunnel, where for some reason cars often break down.
Oddities on the roads
In addition, moving cars accompany strange luminous UFO. Perhaps they are the causes of car breakdowns. Who then impedes car traffic there? What other mind or otherworldly forces act against drivers?
It happened that in a "tunnel" that people died in a car accident. Places in Russia with it is not clear why there are a lot of high-emergency sections of roads. Sometimes this is a clue, sometimes not. In any case, traveling by car through the Russian open spaces, the driver must be very careful and aware of the “black spots” of highways.