The most beautiful cars in the world: auto design rating

Beauty in the world of cars is just as important as among people. After all, every rider or motorist wants to have a faithful iron horse, not only with excellent characteristics, but also a stylish design. Any driver appreciates comfort and reliability, but will never give up even admiring glances after his car.

For every person, beauty is a purely individual concept. Someone notices her in some things, someone in others. The same applies to cars. For each, the most beautiful car in the world will be a certain model for whatever reason. Or maybe they just didn’t see others, so they put the most advertised brand on the pet list. Also for each person the most beautiful color of the car will also be its own.

But, in addition to beauty, there is the concept of statistics, which allows you to make ratings of the most top-rated cars in beauty, quality or speed. They can also be divided into categories, for example, the most beautiful modern cars, retro cars, sports cars and so on. This ranking contains the most attractive retro cars from around the world. Even that small percentage of people who do not rank them among the most beautiful ones will still not be able to tear off the admiring glance at the sight of such works of art on the road.


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Features Lamborghini Countach LP400

The honorable first place among the top most beautiful cars in the world, according to many people, belongs to the 1974 Lamborghini Countach LP400. This angular, low supercar of a very unusual shape was designed by inexperienced Marcello Gandini at that time. There are practically no smooth lines on the machine - all of them are replaced by trapezoid planes. Separate attention deserved guillotine type doors.

ChevroletCamaroZ / 28 RallySport: Undying Classic since 1969

In the final positions of the ranking is Chevrolet Camaro Z / 28 Rally Sport, which has not the most beautiful car interior in the world, but, according to motorists, a very attractive exterior design.

The model of 1969 became truly cult, it was able to accelerate to 205 km / h at that time. Released on the podium and won the hearts of millions of viewers, the model immediately became a worthy competitor to the Ford Mustang. One could see two variants of the bodywork - a coupe and a convertible. Engines offered to customers to choose from, too, 4 varieties with about 80 factory options. It was clear from the start that the car was programmed to succeed. The most powerful type of engine was the 5.8-liter V8 with 255 l. with.

Completion of rating: Shelby Cobra 427t with its characteristics

The last line in the list of the best cars belongs to the model Shelby Cobra 427t. In 1966, the suspension and the body were redesigned. As a result, the tubular frame became 4-inch, a spring suspension appeared at the car, the body widened by 8 inches and the arches above the wheels began to stand out better - a feature of the model. In the photo, the most beautiful color of the car was blue, this improved giant accelerated to 265 km / h. With a small weight of the car about 1 ton, it was very easy to manage. In subsequent years, the model was subjected to more modern improvements.

Each type of retro and modern cars is unique and beautiful in its own way. But still among them stand out the most popular models, the popularity of which does not fade to this day.