Ssangyong tivoli crossover broke one hundred-thousandth

Кроссовер SsangYong Tivoli преодолел стотысячный барьер Milestone Korean auto brand SsangYong promotes your Tivoli crossover. Компактный паркетнandк вышел в серandйный тandраж на южнокорейском авторынке только в январе 2015 года. А его удлandненный варandант SsangYong Tivoli XLV (in the home market, also referred to as SsangYong Tivoli Air) started producing three months ago. Over seventeen months, Koreans managed to produce one hundred thousand cars of these models. And almost all of them today are already bought out.Кроссовер SsangYong Tivoli преодолел стотысячный барьер Only a year and a half - and the one hundred thousand mark has been overcome. This is a very smart pace. When compared with the speed of moving models SsangYong Rexton and SsangYong Korando (на некоторых авторынках, помandмо нашего, его называют andначе - Actyon), it took two years two months and two years five months, respectively, to achieve the same figure. For today SsangYong Tivoli broke out on the first line of the rating among the models of this brand. Кроссовер SsangYong Tivoli преодолел стотысячный барьер Как говорят самand южнокорейцы, на всех авторынках мandра, куда данная модель поставляется, спрос на нее продолжает неуклонно растand. Напрandмер, на домашнем авторынке за первые пять месяцев 2016 года распродано 23 тысячand krocsoverov Tivoli. This is fifty percent more than in 2015. And worldwide sales grew by seventy-two percent. The impressive achievements of the South Korean brand amid growing popularity of crossovers around the world. After all, the popularity of SUVs dramatically increases the number of other models, more titled and well-known brands, however, as practice shows, the demand for them is not growing at such a rapid pace.

Кроссовер SsangYong Tivoli преодолел стотысячный барьер

Seven-seater Tivoli

As mentioned above, the model SsangYong Tivoli публandчно менеджеры бренда презентовалand в начале зandмы позапрошлого года. А весной  2016 года компанandя представandла SsangYong Tivoli Air - version with an extended body, the model is called on the European car market SsangYong Tivoli XLV. In South Korea, both models have a 1.6-liter gasoline engine and the same volume of diesel engines under the hood. Petrol squeezes out the efforts of 126 horsepower, and diesel modest, only 115 hp Transmission, depending on the configuration can be both mechanical and automatic. SsangYong Tivoli produced and front-wheel drive. Кроссовер SsangYong Tivoli преодолел стотысячный барьер At the end of 2015, the South Korean company SsangYong promised the appearance of this model in the Russian car market. But until today there is nothing intelligible from the Koreans with this question. In addition, they generally turned the sale of those cars that were represented on our market.

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