Auto tips

How to make a freezer at home

The front glass of the car should remain as transparent and clean as possible. This is necessary not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to ensure traffic safety. Insufficient visibility can lead to negative consequences, including the creation of

The best insurance companies in ukraine

>In the insurance market you can find many companies offering their services. Despite the fact that the most reliable option would be to contact a company that has credibility, many drivers in pursuit of savings stumble upon attackers' agencies,

We warm for the winter - the choice of the best option auto

>Remember how hard it is to start the engine in winter, regardless of its design and type of fuel used. When the battery is already sitting down, there is not enough smallness to start up - there would be a little more charge or the motor would be

How to ride a mechanic

Очень часто начинающие водители попадают в нелепые и трудные ситуации из-за того, что не знают, how to ride a mechanic. Наверное, каждый неоднократно наблюдал картину, в которой автомобиль долго не может начать движение, а стоящие за ним машины, не

The best gas stations in moscow

>Residents of the capital are interested in what gas stations are better to refuel in Moscow. Presented rating of gas stations focuses on quality, as well as additional benefits offered by the station.Читать далее о лучших АЗС Москвы-->The role

The best devices for communication between truckers, taxi

>Most drivers are accustomed to the fact that the connection can be reached via a mobile phone. There are situations in which it is impossible or unprofitable to use a cellular phone - the radio allows you to communicate more quickly and more

Antirain - a wonderful tool for a car

>Every car driver knows how unsafe is driving in inclement weather. When it rains and slush on the street, it is more difficult to cope with driving a car, as the grip on the road decreases. As well as water and dirt flowing in the rain from the

Driving rating will take

>Almost all drivers believe in omens, and nothing can be done about it. Some of them are so ridiculous that they can make someone laugh, while others are just absurd. But still, the fact remains. To believe in omens is up to you. But even a

What is worth polishing the car?

>After long-term operation, the car body is covered with many small scratches, chips and cracks. They are not visible to the naked eye, however, the lacquer coating loses its glossy shine and becomes rough to the touch.A special polish will help

Rating the best car alarms

>When choosing a car alarm car owners try to do without the difficult procedure of selecting the right equipment. This is understandable, because in many terms and concepts a simple person does not understand corny. We have to delve into all the
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