Auto tips

How to park between cars

An important quality for car owners is the ability to properly park. Throwing a car anywhere and in what kind of form is not worth it, since you can unwittingly block other road users or become the cause of a traffic accident. Однако, не все

Rating the best oil filters in the car

>It is impossible to unequivocally name the type of oil filter that is ideal for absolutely all cars. If the car owner needs to choose a filtering unit for his car, he, first of all, should make a start from the make of his vehicle. However, there

Cheap cars for girls: what to buy

The weaker sex ceases to give way to men in many situations, even with regard to cars. Even marketers have allocated small cars for women to a separate class. These vehicles are required to satisfy all women's requirements. Content1 Selection

How to check the car for theft and search when buying

A runaway car for many Russians is often the first self-purchased vehicle. In addition to the affordable price, the car owner receives all the “past” associated with this car. Often, the problems associated with this car, it turns out only after the

The choice of tires for the winter: velcro against studded

>The main part of the territory of Russia is characterized by a rather severe course of winter. A lot of precipitation falls, fetters frost, ice is formed, low temperature lasts until the middle of spring, and even longer. In some regions, winter

Recommendations for choosing a memory card for a car

>In the modern progressive world, a memory card is not only a necessary thing, but simply a necessary one. We use it in any gadget: smartphone, tablet, laptop, in the car to listen to music, as well as in the DVR. The life of a modern person can

Vibration and beating of the steering wheel when moving: how

Different vibrations while driving a car are often perceived by drivers as something completely natural. However, in most cases, they indicate various breakdowns, and in no case should they be ignored. One of the most common problems is the beating

The best insurance companies in moscow for hull insurance

>Moscow is a huge city with great potential and countless various offers. They also include insurance companies offering their services for the CASCO policy. Unlike CTP, which is compulsory insurance for car owners, CASCO buy on voluntary terms.

Features of the choice of a regular dvr

>Every driver on the road is in danger. Not always their appearance can be prevented, so you need to be alert. For this purpose, a regular DVR is used. He keeps a continuous record of all road events. This "electronic witness" allows you to prove

Restoring a driver's license: what to do when you lose?

The question of how to restore a driver's license concerns citizens when a document is lost or stolen. The need for re-receipt due to the fact that without them you can not drive a vehicle. Attention! The legislative basis of the issue under
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