Auto repair
How to choose brake pads
Almost every day in the news releases talk about car accidents. The reasons for this may be very different, but often accidents occur due to the inefficiency of the brake system. And it’s good if two cars collided and no one was hurt, and yet there
How to check the generator for performance
The smooth operation of a modern internal combustion engine is impossible without high-quality and stable sources of electricity. In the process of starting the motor, this role is performed by the battery, and after the engine starts, the function
Why is cold air blowing out of the stove?
Without heating in a car, driving in cold weather is almost impossible. Ice or misted glass reduces visibility to zero. There are several reasons why the stove does not work. They are mechanical faults that can be repaired by yourself. Содержанandе1
What xenon is best to install on your car
Многие автолюбители устанавливают на свои автомобили ксенон, это тема достаточно популярна среди автомобилистов. Xenon имеет множество преимуществ, кроме внешней привлекательности, ксенон делает езду на машине в ночное время более безопасной. Сегодня
Why in the car odometer?
Если отвечать кратко на вопрос, what is the odometer in the car, то можно сказать, что это небольшое устройство в автомобиле, которое фиксирует пробег, или километрах машины. Одометры могут быть электронными и механическими, и в зависимости от этого
How to check the starter on the battery with your own hands
Most car breakdowns happen at the most inopportune moment, when you need to get to a certain place in time, you need to meet relatives at the bus station and in many other cases. Vehicle breakdown occurs, also due to starter failure. It seems that
How to replace coolant
The cooling system is one of the most important components of a modern internal combustion engine. Almost all cars have a combined cooling. This means that heat is removed from the cylinders with the help of fluid that enters the radiator, which is
Carburetor solex 21083 and its device
Capacity Solekc 21083 is widely used in cars with contactless ignition system. This type of carburetor refers to the type of emulsion, and is equipped with two cameras with the opening of the serial throttle.This model 21083 refers to the basic
How to choose engine oil for the brand of car
During the operation of the vehicle engine oil gradually loses its original properties. Therefore, the driver should think about how to properly perform the selection of oil on the brand of car. The frequency of such a procedure is set by transport
Diy car interior painting
It's no secret that plastic parts used in most machines quickly lose their appearance and are highly susceptible to damage. In this regard, most motorists master the painting procedure and carry it out independently. Today we will talk in detail
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